Sunday, November 12, 2023

Reviving the blog

Ive been looking to get this blog going again for awhile, unfortunately struggled to get something written, ive just decided to write a quick blog post to get back into the flow of things, let anyone who's been waiting for a post know that somethings are on their way and to clarify what direction I see this blog going in the future.

Firstly despite this blog being inactive for serval months there was a spike of views in September (I have no idea what caused this but I imagine its a good sign?) in fact i think it was probably the most views this blog has ever seen in a month

In terms of direction of future content ive been struggling to keep engaged with ttrpg content, so have little to write about in that regard, I will attempt to get some more of this content going again in the future but this will probably have to wait till the new year (unless I can throw together an interesting charismas one shot or something worth making a write up for)

In the wargaming front ive been every busy, joining both a Necromunda campaign  and Xenos Rampant campaign, painting and collecting a fair amount of interesting miniatures and even getting some sculpting in. I'm planning on posting some more wargame related content on this blog in the near future as i have many projects on the go worth sharing. 

So this blog ain't dead yet

Mordhiem: undead dipped in Blanch source

I've had a half finished blog post sat around for a few weeks now but haven't been able to make any progress on it ... So struck by ...