Friday, February 23, 2024

Reviving the Blog for reeeellllzys

Ok I know I said I was reviving the Blog about 3 months ago or something but as usual life got in the way/ my own struggles with motivation tech literacy dyslexia excuses excuses etc etc, but I've been busy on the wargaming front and I should probably share it all in a big post before I forget.

Firstly old worlds is upon us and I'm in the thick of it (already signed up for a narrative event scheduled for a month's time and I was planning on taking things slow and steady 😅) I've picked warriors of chaos since I remember them being a small model count elite heavy army (they don't disappoint in this regard)

Chaos warriors in the process of slaughering dwarf miners, mark of nurgle came in clutch this turn

The main bulk of my army comprises around a group of chaos warriors and some marauder horsemen (along side some super cheap chaos hounds) 

In terms of special and rare units I decide against chaos ogres (having had them underperform spectacularly in a test game, I believe they probably better with multiple ranks rather than just 3 models) 
And instead I've gone all in on a spectacular chaos giant with both scaly hide and regen 6+ 

Two heads are better than one, still to be painted but was a ton of fun to convert I love the giant set with a passion lots of nostalgia 😍

Leading this force will be a dynamic duo of two classic chaos warrior models, a chaos warrior with scythe and snake tongue as a chaos lord (very strong stats and good leadership for a general) and one of my most prizes minitures the fantastic chaos warrior in bone armour as a chaos sorcerer lord (absolutely broken in old worlds especially with lore familiar)

The narrative event also allows for a small force of unreliable mercenaries, since warriors of chaos are notorious for having no ranged units I've spent the entire budget for mercenarys on a unit of goblin archers, a goblin bolt thrower and a goblin shaman 

All goblin minitures where purchased from ral patha minitures Europe (not sponsored but I could be in future 😉)
 My overall first impressions of oldworlds are largely positive and I look forward to playing it more in the near future (and using it as an excuse to purchase old miniatures, maby the real old worlds was the lead we got along the way) 

In necromundea news I've been chugging along with my local clubs campaign slowly and steadily increasing in power, I've also been trying to convert some models and figure out what gangs might be fun to do in the near future. One such gang high on the list is the slave ogryn gang, in fact I've been experimenting with sculpting ogryns and ogres and have some petty satisfying results to show.

This model is a mutant ogryn based off one of the old ogryn models acquired by my brother years ago (and subsequently forgotten about so their mine now, I'll return them once he returns my goblin netters and orc shaman that he's convinced is his) in these pictures you can see the green stuff head and mutant arm I added to the model, I'm rather pleased with the result and they look stunning with a big of paint on them 

A bit of glazing makes a world of difference and I'm excited to use this model on the tabletop once it's done (and I have enough credits to actually buy it 😭) but this isn't the only ogryn/ogre sculpting project I've been working on, I've also been trying to sculpt a chaos ogre and ogryn servitor from scratch recently.

Im hoping to have more sculpting projects to show in the future as my skills improve, and possibly a guide on sculpting old school style ogre faces (so I don't forget again how to do so 😛) on top of ogres I'm thinking of trying some beastmen since they seem fun to ally in to chaos warrior army, 

That's enough rambling for one day, I'll try to keep blog posts regular with small wargame related projects from now on, now if you excuse me I have about a dozen wargames Atlantic giant spiders to assemble 💀.

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