Monday, May 6, 2024

Mordhiem: undead dipped in Blanch source

I've had a half finished blog post sat around for a few weeks now but haven't been able to make any progress on it ... So struck by sudden inspiration I've painted some undead in a Blanchicu style, hopefully this will jump start my productivity and get that other blog post done (a Sculpting tutorial on ogre faces)

This all started when I brought the Warhammer Underworlds starter set to teach some friends, and I decided to get some paint on the skeleton warband

After base coating them I slapped on some zealot yellow and a bit of pallid bone both from the army painter speed paint range, 
After the zealot yellow I then slapped on a layer of fire giant orange speed paint mixed with contrast medium to thin it down a bit, the result was a very evocative orangy yellow, after this had dried I then picked out the cloth with a red speed paint and the leather wood and fur with a brown speed paint.
Happy with the results I started painting other undead from my minitures collection in a similar style first a lich and a skeleton knight that I got from ral patha minitures, 

As well as some mantic zombies I had sitting around half painted,
This is a good starting base for a mordhiem undead or restless dead warband, I'll have to find the time to play a game or two at some point, anyway I've been quite productive lately so I should have another blog post to cobble together soon as well as potentially some ttrpg content again.

Mordhiem: undead dipped in Blanch source

I've had a half finished blog post sat around for a few weeks now but haven't been able to make any progress on it ... So struck by ...