Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Old worlds gulrach the great drake

One of the most iconic models from when i first entered into the warhammer hobby has to be the classic gulrach the great drake, i remember this model from the pages of the 6th edition hoards of chaos book squeezed onto a 50 by50mm base, it was a surprise when i heard they where bringing the model back for old worlds, initially i expected it to be remastered in resin but when they officially announced the return of the model they stated that it would be returning in its original metal,

I knew that this model would be a challenge, it was always one of gws most over ambitious models, i ended up spending two days simply prepping and assembling the model in full, starting with cleaning up flash and washing it.

the most time consuming part of this whole process is the drilling and pinning, the weight of much of the model requires you to drill and pin simply to stick it together let alone keep it together.

several parts required the mini to be left in one position to get it to set properly, 
i used green stuff to fill much of the gaps 

is used some miliput to blend the model into the base
once the model was fully assembled i primed the model with a gray spray 
using an airbrush i was able to achieve a nice split colour for the two sides of gulrach 

i then picked out the details, i wanted the horns to stand out so i went for a more striking orange colour than a typical bone, i picked out boils in pink and tentacles in lilac 

i am very happy with the end result there's a lot of highlight colours i could pick out in the future but i feel hes at a table ready state.

Reviving the blog, necromunda

Getting back into the swing of blog writing after a long hiatus, I decided that showing off some of the necromunda projects I'd been working on was the best place to start, I've been trying to build up a necromunda campaign at my local club and so have been building up my own gang as well as some hired guns

the first of these was a servitor ogryn inspired by an old necromunda convert, this was largely based of a ork mega nob with a spare ogryn head and a storm wielder (having run one for a full campaign i feel confident that they're a usable and very funny gun to throw in a gang) 

my gang for the coming campaign will be a cawdor gang, lightly converted they mainly have some of the resin forge world head kits and the leader has a flaming brazier head piece from the empire flagellants set.

making some bounty hunters this simple convert using a corpse grinder weapon on a black stone fortress beastman, inspired by the updated rules for venerator gangs.

one of the projects ive started since the hive secundus box set has come out is to convert up some mal strain brood scum, ive made a few using the bloodied kill team bodys with brood scum heads and various weapons, this is the first test model for a potential colour scheme the idea for these guys is to be corrupted dust wall pdf.

along side my cawdor gang i also have some classic redemptionists that ive been collecting and painting, including a talisman inquisitor to use as a hive preacher, these have been great fun to paint and I have plans to expand my collection into their own separate gang in the future
along side the redemptionists ive started painting up a ministorum priest model in the same scheme

Old worlds gulrach the great drake

One of the most iconic models from when i first entered into the warhammer hobby has to be the classic gulrach the great drake, i remember t...