Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Operation Whitebox, OSR WW2

One OSR system that I have pondered over a bit is Operation Whitebox, a WW2 special forces roleplaying game based off Swords and Wizardry whitebox. A very easy to use system that mostly only uses d6s and d20s and with a relatively low level cap of 5.

Classes are charmer, combat engineer, grunt, maquis, sniper, tactican, wheelman and uberlaufer, being based on whitebox each class has 2-3 class features a circumstantial bonus to your saving throw and a bonus gained on reaching 3rd level (usually some henchmen)

weapons like with whitebox all use d6 to varius degrees, and the OD&D rate of fire on range weapons make some appearance though most weapons only have a rate of rife of 1 or burst which can allow for a +2 to hit with more ammo usage or suppressive fire which is more of an area effect which anyone moving through is hit by a random amount of damage, heavy weapons consist mostly of explosive weapons (plus flamer) 

Armour is... non existent, well you have Battle dress uniform which provides a +1 to AC and antiquated armour (that only provides a +1 bonus against bullets and explosions), given that the largest Dex bonus is a +1 (+3 with the advanced ability modifiers optional rules) your looking at a max AC of 12 and its not like your going to find any +1 chain mail in occupied France so cover and tactics are definitely the name of the game, to survive your going to have to think like a special forces operative,

This book also contains some information on the war and special forces that GMs may find useful for running games in the historical setting as well as a time line of the war, Rounding off the main system is a example mission and a mass combat resolution rule.

The standout part of this system however is the mini settings in the back: Nazi Super Science, Nazi Occult and Galaxy War 1939 (WW2 in space!!!), these settings each offer interesting pulp adventure opportunity's and the systems compatibility with other OSR systems and adventures allow you to really go wild just take a look at Bandits keeps Operation Ravenloft a Operation Whitebox campaign that runs through the original castle Ravenloft module 

the possibility's are endless race to find the Ark of the Covent, gun down hoards of Nazi zombies, shoot a dragon with a rocket launcher or fight hover tank battles on the moon

let me know that you think of the system, this was only a brief overview but I hope I have highlighted something you might find interesting.


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