Thursday, January 13, 2022

A look at Fallout 2d20 part 2, character creation and skills

Character creation in Fallout 2d20 isn't a direct port of the game mechanics in the slightest, you have the familiar S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes the skills and perks are a mix of familiar and unfamiliar and the new Origins that hasn't really been an option in any of the fallout games (though playing super mutants and ghouls was apparently a option for the cancelled Van Buren fallout).

Special are the attributes for the game, Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility and Luck, these stats influence some derived stats such as Strength influencing your carry weight, initiative which is a static score equal to your Perception + Agility, defence is based of your agility and influences the base difficulty to hit you 1-8= difficulty 1 9+= difficulty 2, your starting HP are equal to your endurance score + your Luck score, and lastly you gain a melee damage bonus based on your strength score. you start off with 5 in every attribute with 5 points to increase attributes with you can also lower your attributes too though only to a minimum of 4 (so at least a 20% chance of generating a success on any dice roll) 

Skills of course are all linked to a attribute by default though there may be situations where a check requires a different skill attribute, skill ranks range from 0 to 6 at first level you choose 3 tag skills which increase their ranks by 2 and means if you roll a skill check under you  rank for these skills it counts as a critical successes (2 successes) as well as having 9+int score in points to spend on skill ranks though you cant have more than 3 ranks in a skill at level 1,

The skills and their default attributes are, Athletics(STR), Barter(CHA), Big Guns(END), Energy weapons(PER), Explosives(PER), Lockpicking(PER), Medicine(INT), Melee weapons(STR), Pilot(PER), Repair(INT), Science(INT), Small guns(AGI), Sneak(AGI), Speech(CHA), Survival(END), Throwing(AGI), Unarmed(STR), so some skills on this list aren't a thing in the video games such as Athletics, Pilot and Throwing the choices of skills included in this rpg are a mixed bag, i don't like the addition of Throwing as a skill these weapons would be better included in melee and I feel that Big guns is a bit of a wonky option for a ttrpg and liked how fallout new vegas included all the big guns into other weapon categories.

Origins are your background/race options of other games, you have the options of Brotherhood Initiate, Ghoul, Super mutant, Mister Handy, Survivor and Vault dweller. So three human origins and 3 non human origins, the human origins tend to have quite small bonuses compared to the non humans but the non humans also have quite big drawbacks that could change the way they are played or interact with other characters. Ghouls, Super mutants and Mr Handy's are all immune to radiation damage, Ghouls are healed by radiation, super mutants get bonuses to their STR and END (With a lower INT max of 6) and Mr Handy's have 360 vision, integrated tools and weapons and the ability to be modified with the Robot modification rules later on in the books, since origins are mechanics added on it should be relatively easy to make your own custom origins (I might do a post in the future to look at how easy the Fallout 2d20 system is to hack)

Perks are very varied, most perks are relatively standard doing things like unlock crafting recipes, increase damage with certain weapons, decrease damage from certain damage types or circumstances and decrease the difficulty of certain checks, many of the perks deviate from the video game versions either because the TTRPG has different mechanics or the more open play style allows for more flexibility, there are only one or two perks that add brand new abilities (which is good game design in my book) so I'm relatively happy with the way perks are done

let me know what you think of the system so far, I think next I will talk about combat and weapons which is where a lot of the novelty dice that this system uses (not my favourite part of the system)


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