Create Effigy: Level 2, duration 1 week per caster level, cast time 1 turn, taking the hair, nails or blood of another creature, this effigy is linked to their life force until the spell ends or the effigy is destroyed, if the effigy is repaired using silver thread (worth 20gp per use) heals the target by d4+1 hit points, and inflicting damage on the Effigy transfers d6+1 damage to the target. Burning the Effigy destroys it and deals d6 damage each round for d6+1 rounds to the target. having the Effigy on your person while being targeted by a breath attack also deals damage to the target (meaning that if you have an effigy of yourself all breath weapon attacks deal double damage).
Conceal Stash: Level 1, duration 1 month per caster level, cast time 1 turn, this spell magically hides some kind of container, this prevents it being found through mundane means though is easily detected with detect magic.
Grow Bow: Level 1, duration instantaneous, cast time 1 turn, the caster touches a nearby tree that immediately sprouts a longbow/short bow and 12 arrows or 24 arrows if the caster chooses not to grow a bow.
Blood Rage: Level 2, duration d6 + (caster level over 3) rounds, cause a single creature to go into a mindless battle rage, the creature gains +2 to attack, damage and Ac, but must attack the closest creature each round until the spell ends, unwilling creatures make a saving throw.
Let me know what you think of these spells and if any are particularly unbalanced.
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