Friday, August 19, 2022

Oblivium conversion part 3

Right next up is the hollows the half undead, half construct and half fiend, this race seems to lean towards the magical so im thinking largely mirror the elf for classes levels, they get dark vision and a bunch of skill proficiencies in intelligence based skills, which is a bit tricky as unlike more dex or str based skills they don't have a direct analogue in s&w, it still gives an idea of what sort of race this is though.

They are also detected by detect good/evil due to their fiendish nature, i think this can be kept as is though i think detect evil in s&w is more along the lines of detect curse of intent.

The toper is interesting, it stating that instead of sleep they enter a toper for 4 hours but unlike an elf in 5e you can still be put to sleep by magic, this could probably be kept as is, idk if it would have much mechanical influence given rules as written rests are days in length rather than in 5e where they are 8 hours.

The last ability they have is a profane legacy which determines which of their origins is most dominant, this infers resistances and some in built magic, in s&w most resistances could be changed to a +4 to save vs that dmg or effect as with the dwarfs poison resistance for instance, in built magic is also possible in the design but not all the spells (especially the cantrips) would directly translate so im going to change the cantrips to once a day level one spells and find the closest fit in S&W spell lists 

Cabalus: flesh golem is the most dominant origin, resistance to lightning and poison (+4 vs lighting and poison) mending cantrip, at 3rd level once a day cast of create food and water, at 5th level once a day cast of alter self

Infurnus: the fiendish is the most dominant origin, resistance to fire and poison (+4 vs lighting and poison) the thaumaturgy cantrip 3rd level a once a day cast of hellish rebuke (and at 5th level a once a day cast of darkness

And lastly Necru: the undead is the most dominant origin, you have resistance to necromantic and poison dmg (+4 vs poison and um necromantic isn't that well defined in s&w magic so ill have to find something else for this...) They also get the chill touch cantrip, 
At 3rd level a once a day cast of false life, and at 5th level a once a day cast of ray of enfeeblement, 

So for classes hollows can have unlimited levels in thief, up to 8th level in magic user (9th with 18 int) up to 4th level fighter (5th with 18 str) and can multi class as fighter magic user, thief magic user or thief fighter magic user, 

They gain a +4 to saves vs poison and a +4 to saves vs either fire, lightning or death( so save or death effects etc)

They are detected by the detect evil spell as a being of evil magic regardless of what alignment they are.

Ill leave it there for now as im unsure how exactly to translate over the inbuilt spells many of them don't have direct tie in's in s&w and with the ability to be a magic user thief/fighter such ideas may be redundant either way ill talk to Obliviums creator about it.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Oblivium conversion part 2

Right next up on the conversion is the chaedran the insect rearing weasel men, in terms of classes im thinking thief fighter and magic user as options, given their proficiency for animal rearing and training druid may also be an appropriate option, this race also haz dark vision which is nice. They are Usually neutral alignment.

They get quite a few proficiencies in thief skills stealth perception and slight of hand which could be translated over quite easily, the fact they also get an ability giving advantage on smell is also interesting and clearly something important for the race. And lastly they have a bite attack and a squirm ability to get through small openings easier.

So they can go unlimited levels in thief, up to level 6 fighter, up to level 8th magic user and up to level 8 druid, they can multi class, as fighter thief, thief magic user, thief druid or magic user druid 

Thief skills first then, lets give them a +15 delicate tasks and traps, a +10 to hide in shadows, a +15 to move silently,

In terms of the smell ability, the closest thing in S&W is the rangers tracking ability, giving access to a few levels of ranger might be a good option for this, however certain restrictions might confuse things. So lets give it a 2 in 6 chance of detecting the scent if a recently nearby creature 1 in 6 automatically? 

So i think this is pretty passable for a first go, i got some feed back from Obliviums creator where he said he was planning a s&w playtest he said that the area he was planning on running focused on the apelings, reptilians, koraara and hollows, so having already done the apelings i will shift to doing these other 3 next.

Friday, August 12, 2022

Oblivium Conversion: Part 1

So Starting at the beginning, Swords and wizardry has some clear differences in pc race option design especially how they are balanced, S&W primarily balances through level caps for race, though pretty much everything can level unlimited in thief (and as a wise old man told me, that means you always want to duel class into thief), as well as non human races getting bonuses to some thief skills, so since this is something show in pretty much every race provided in S&W already its something i will keep across most of the races.

So starting with Apelings, mostly Chaotic or Neutral in the 5e version of Oblivium they have a climbing speed (possible bonus to thief skills) advantage on perception and athletic checks (again a thief skill bonus maby a reduction of surprise or a find secret door ability?) And a bite attack for d4 + str (could probably be kept as is) powerful build doesn't really have a equivalency in s&w and the encumbrance system is somewhat different so i feel its unnecessary to convert such features.

So for the class options I'd say an apeling can go up to 6th level fighter, 8th levels assassin and unlimited thief and can multi class fighter/thief or fighter/assassin.

They receive bonuses to their thief skills of:
+10% climb walls (bringing them up to 95% at first level!!!), +10% to delicate tasks and traps, a +5% to move silently, hide in shadows and open locks

The bite attack can be kept, 1d4 + str mod if fighter,

S&W race blocks tend to be quite simple in terms of actual mechanics so i think this should do for a first run. I may go back and change this once I've done a few more of the races and got used to the process a bit.

Mordhiem: undead dipped in Blanch source

I've had a half finished blog post sat around for a few weeks now but haven't been able to make any progress on it ... So struck by ...